Monday, September 13, 2010

Biology Collection #2- Kaitlyn Allen

While visiting the San Diego Zoo, I took this picture of a fern, which is known as a frond. A frond is a plant containing large leaves in separate sections.

Keratin is made up of proteins, these proteins make up our hair and nails.

This picture of a woody stem is from my Aunt's backyard. A woody stem is covered on the outside with bark.

This herbaceous stem is from my begonia, most flowers and vegetables have herbaceous stems. A herbaceous stem is not covered in bark, instead it is soft and usually green.

This is a picture of my brother's tongue, amylase can be found in saliva. Amylase is an enzyme that helps convert sugar into starch.

Deciduous leaves are leaves that fall off during a particular season, this leaf that I found while taking a walk through my grandmom's backyard is an example of a deciduous leaf.

These roses outside of my Aunt's house have thorns on it's stem. A thorn is a sharp point attached to the stem of a plant.

The flowers on my begonia plant contain pollen. Pollen is the fertilizing element of a plant, usually consists of a yellow powdery substance.

These flowers are from my mom's garden, they are considered angiosperms because an angiosperm is a plant that flowers; has seeds contained in it's ovaries.

These flowers are all examples of autotrophs, autotrophs create their own food using the process of photosynthesis.