Friday, August 13, 2010

Biology Collection #2

Keratin: Keratin is a structural protein that makes up our hands and nails, as shown in the picture of my hand.

Spore: A spore is a small, reproductive body designed for dispersal. This picture of a dandelion shows the spores that disperse with the wind to carry them to other places so they can start a new dandelion plant.

Tendril of a plant: A tendril of a plant is a small stem-like structure used by plants and vines for support. You can tell this is a tendril because it has no leaves or flowers on it, as well as it is slightly hooked at the end so it can grasp on to something to hold the plant up.

Fruit - dry with seed: A fruit is as ripened reproductive body of a seed plant, so nuts can be considered fruits as well as apples or pears. This pistachio is a good example because it shows the actual seed through the protective casing.

Insect: An insect is an air breathing arthropod. To be an arthropod means you are an invertebrate that has jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton. This bumblebee is a perfect example. You can see its segmented body, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, as well as its jointed limbs.

lepidoptera: Lepidoptera is the order that includes butterflies and moths. This picture, although poorly taken, shows a butterfly about to take off.

deciduous leaf: This tree loses all of its leaves in the winter, so it is a deciduous plant, with deciduous leaves.

Fruit - Fleshy with seed: This is a picture of a cherry tomato. The seeds of the tomato are located inside of the tomato flesh, making it a fruit, although it is often mistaken for a vegetable.

Stem - woody: This picture shows the trunk of a tree in my backyard. The trunk is considered "woody" because it has bark and annual rings of xylem.

Stem - herbaceous: A herbaceous stem is a stem that lacks bark, most flowers are herbaceous stems.

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