Friday, August 13, 2010

This cactus is an example of a xerophytic organism because it is able to survive in an environment with little availability to moisture or water.

Although I’m not quite sure if this is tube sponge or coral, a closer look would show that it has small holes or pores. This is an example of the phylum Porifera because it is pore bearing.

A rose is an example of a hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is a plant or animal that exhibits reproductive organs associated with both males and females. In this case, a hermaphrodite plant may exhibit both a stamen and a carpel.

Gibberellin is a hormone that regulates the growth, germination, dormancy, flowering, sex expression, enzyme induction, and leaf/ fruit senescence in plants.

Molly is an example of an endotherm, a warm-blooded animal. In other words, she has the ability of sustaining and regulating her own body temperature. Animals like Molly that have fur-covered bodies, heavily rely on panting in order to keep from overheating.

Deciduous means “falling off at maturity.” Deciduous trees, therefore, shed their leaves seasonally. These deciduous laves belong to a silver maple tree in my backyard.

Cambium is a layer or layers of tissue in plants, classified among cork cambium or vascular cambium. This can be represented and easily seen by the rings of this log.

This starfish is a littoral zone organism because it lives in the littoral zone of the Atlantic Ocean. The littoral zone is the area close to shore of any body of water.

An exoskeleton both protects and supports the animal of which it belongs. This crab claw clearly has an exoskeleton because of its hard, shell-like structure.

Chitin is a long-chain polymer found in the cell walls of fungi, beaks of cephalopods, and in the exoskeletons of arthropods such as crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. (The crab was alive!)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know which is cuter: Molly or that crab staring right at you! P.S. Not all endotherms have fur - birds are endotherms too.


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