A Frond is a plant that has a seperated look. This is a very young plant that is considered frond. It is a fern that will eventually grow bigger with more distinct seperation within the leaves. The blade like leaves are part of the plant that makes it 'Frond'. This picture was taken in Florida, in my grandparents yard.
This is a picture of a pollinator. It's a bee that was found near the woods. My ring is not in the picture, well because it's a bee.. Pollinators go around to different plants leaving pollen on the plants. Once the pollen lands, the plants can reproduce. This bee was flying between this tree and some smaller flowering plants.
This is a picture of an insect. It is hard to see but towards the bottom there is an ant! This ant is an example of an insect. An insect is a class within anthropods. This ant was traveling towards it's ant home not very far from where it was here.
This picture is an example of a littoral zone organism. These marsh plants vary from completely underwater to only having a few roots in the water. The littoral zone is the zone closest to the shoreline. The plant that only has few roots in the water is the littoral zone organism.
A cacti is an obvious example of an adaptation of a plant. The spikes this cacti has, is an adaptation to defend itself from water seeking animals. Also this cacti has a waxy-like stem that is used to store water. The stem is enlarged so that it can hold more water. This cacti lives in my grandparents yard in Florida.
Well done!