Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Collection #2 Heather Repetski

This is a picture of a black bear crossing route 321 in Tennessee! I know it was amazing!! this bear is considered an endotherm. meaning warm blooded animal and all mammals are warm blooded. Warm blooded animals like ourselves regulate our own body temperature. When its hot we cool ourselves down, when its cold we use our energy to wrm ourselves up.

These roots you see growing above ground are a great example of an adaptation of a plant. This tree is actually located right next to this waterfall in Tennessee. making the soil it grows in constantly moist and soggy. This treee has adapted to its envrionment and its roots now grow very close to the surface where the soil is dryer and more sturdy.

The Blue starfish near the center of the picture is an echinoderm. This id a creature that lives on the sea bottom or near the abyssal zone. Starfish have tube feet, for movement, protection as well as obtaining food which they eat with their small jaws. teir mouth is also part of there water-vascular system.

This is poison ivy growing up a tree. the leaves of plants have a waxy coating on their leaves to lock in moisture. This is called the cuticle layer of the plant.

This eastern newt is a deuterostome. This means "mouth second" unlike a protostome when the call of the animal is growing it forms the anus then the mouth. In other words the mouth comes second. Most animals with spines are formed this way.

This is a fern. which can be categorized under, pteridophyte. A pteridophyte i s plant that does not produce flowers or seeds but reproduces through spores.

This daddy long leg has an exoskeleton which is almost like a skeleton thats is on the outside of the body. In other animals that have exoskeltons like crabs will molt their skin and replace it with a softer shell that will over time harden.

These 2 pictures are both examples of lepidopteras. They are both scaly winged insects, and have 2 pairs of symetrical wings.
Both moths also have a coiled probiscus from which they suck nectar and food through. (Top-Luna Moth and Bottom-Tuliptree Silkmoth

This is an insect. It has 3 pairs of legs, is segmented into a head, thorax, and abdomen, and has 2 pairs of wings. It belongs to the small anthropod family. I did some research trying to figure out what kind of insect this is, and did not have much luck

This is a cnidarian. It is a simple organism, It has an outer covering called an epidermis, and a inner gastrodermis. Its tentacles and main body have mucus-secreting pores, that give the animal a protective slimy layer.

p.s. I do realize some of this pictures do not have my fingernail in them. I just got back from vacation in TN for a week and we took a trip to the aquarium as well as went hiking up mountains to visit the local waterfalls. Everytime I saw something I thought could be useful for my project i snapped a picture. Unfortunately Heather was a little excited and forgot her nail in the picture but i do have witnesses as well as all of these pictures on my camera if you would like to see them.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What awesome organisms you saw on your trip! Hope you had a fabulous time. No worries about the nail.


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