2: This picture also fulfills the insect term as an ant is classified as an insect. Ants are insects as classified by the taxonomic hierarchy. Ants are in the animal kingdom, the arthropod phylum, the insect class, hymenoptera order, and the Formicidae family.
I found this pine cone on the ground by the evergreens near my dorm. I feel that the pine cone is a female for a couple of reasons. Male pine cones tend to be found near the bottom of the tree while females tend to be found higher up. This pine cone is larger in size as females tend to be compared to the other smaller pine cones scattered around the tree. Therefore I came to the conclusion that this pine cone is likely to be female.
I found this stem outside of the dorms on an evergreen tree. I chose this picture because it is a perfect example of a woody stem. A stem of a plant is classified as being woody if it has certain characteristics. Woody stems tend to be bark covered. Woody stems also tend to be hard textured stems with secondary xylem. These stems are found on many trees and they provide more protection from the elements than other stems do: such as herbaceous stems.
7: Stem-herbaceous
I found this picture outside my dorm and I chose it because it was a very good depiction of a herbaceous stem. A stem of a plant is classified as being herbaceous if it has certain characteristics. Herbaceous stems are essentially the opposite of woody stems. They lack the hard, textured surface that woody stems carry and in their stead they have as soft, green, and pliable stems. In addition, these stems die at the end of the growing season, perhaps due to the lack of protection compared to the woody stem.
I found this picture outside my dorm and I chose it because it was a very good depiction of a herbaceous stem. A stem of a plant is classified as being herbaceous if it has certain characteristics. Herbaceous stems are essentially the opposite of woody stems. They lack the hard, textured surface that woody stems carry and in their stead they have as soft, green, and pliable stems. In addition, these stems die at the end of the growing season, perhaps due to the lack of protection compared to the woody stem.
This picture of these plants was taken near the SERC center at Rutgers. Pollen is necessary for plants to reproduce sexually. It is transported from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another. Also, the pollen could be passed between these structures on the same plant, resulting in self-pollination. When the pollen lands on the stigma, it forms a pollen tube to the ovaries of the flower. The sperm cells from the pollen then travel down this tube to fertilize the egg and form another triploid nucleus. These two structures become the embryo and the endosperm, respectively, and they form the seed of the plant.
Excellent explanations! Hope you had fun at Rutgers.