Tuesday, July 20, 2010

other five pictues

From now on all my pictures will be on the same post, unfortunately I'm too lazy to fix my older posts so you'll just have to deal with it.
Plants will usually produce thorns in order to deter herbivores from eating said plant. While it works against most animals some will adapt new ways to nullify the threat of thorns. Still, it keeps most beasts away, so why mess with success?

Eukaryotes, such as the frog in this picture (it's there, just look really hard) are one of the most diverse domains of organisms. They can range from being a single-celled protist to complex animals such as cuttlefish, even to simple plants like daisies. The one thing they all have in common is that their cellular structure is organised and contains a nucleus where all the genetic information is held.

Deciduous leaves don't change orange in the fall, they turn green during the spring and summer. The green color is caused by the chlorophyll it produces in order and when winter comes the plant has adapted to shed those leaves due to not having enough sun during the cold season, pretty much its better to fast than waste energy trying to create barely any food at all.

Conifer leaves, commonly known as needles, are specifically designed to be able to endure cold weather and be able to produce chlorophyll even during seasons of less sun. It is mainly achieved due to the waxy skin and small shape of the needles.

An Angiosperm is a plant that produces a nectar filled flower to attract insects. doing so covers the insect in pollen which is then carried to the next plant. Through this method is the plants reproduction obtained.

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